Hello all cool9ja viewers. I just discovered a new trick on whatsapp so I decided to share it with you.
Do you know that you can check how many groups you are in and as well message you self on whatsapp?
It a simple trick
1. Copy this link https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=2348135706166
2. Edit the number there with yours
Don't forget to put your country code and do not add sign plus (+) to it
3. Copy the edited link and open your browser then past it at the top box which is the places provided for you to input your link /website adress
Now click on the go / submit
4. Your browser will automatically open your whatsapp. Leave it to complete searching after that you will see your contact display for you to type messages
Now to know how many groups you are in just tap "chat info" or your number display at top
Scroll down to see the groups you are in. You are done √
Let have some fun
Don't forget to share it with your friends